Assam nucleates and synthesizes proteins
Runs Semua fungsi-fungsi pusat informasi salt. The genetic code contains "program biology" information. This is how structural and functional information is recorded.

Original honey
Selma Bartahun-Tahun Asal Usul Tentang Hereditas Tidak Lakitahui. Setellah Dilkukan Banyak Penelisian Ooleh para Ahli, Barulah parmasalahan tersebut terjawab. The following figures are involved in inheritance research:

1. Frederick Griffith
Penguinf comprises two strains of bacteria, the pneumonia strain "Halus" Young Menyebabkan Peniakit and the pneumonia strain Kematian pada tikus and "Kasar" Young Tidak Menyebabkan Peniakit.

What I did was the following:

Griffith Experience
Simak Parkobananya Sevagai Berikut:
Player 1: Frederick Griffith's Tenning Hereditas Experiment

Kondisi terbaru teresuta yang jungal, karena aya expect bahwa tikus tersebut harusnia hidup. Based on hal tersebut aya berkesumpulan bahwa beberap sabtansi yang tdak tekanih telah terabahan bakteri stran kasar menjadi bakteri stran halus.

2. Avery, McCarty & Macleod
Mereka agen apa seinara trying to define perubah ini? Indigestible: Protein or DNA? The chromosome-damaging enzyme yang destroys proteins and DNA.

Young Sector Masih Masih Perawakan Bada Bacteriminogen Materia Genome Protein Samples DNA Fairness.
Image 2: Avery, McCarty and Macleod
3. Hershey Pursuit
Viruses are responsible for 32P DNA
The virus uses the envelope protein Pada 35S

Para penleti menemukkan jat radioactive bacteria p dalam, yang samakan itu adlah dna bukan protein yang disuntikkan k dalam bacteria.
Gamber 3: The Hershey Chase Experiment

4. Watson and Crick
Components-components peniusun adn telah lama dekenal oleh para ahli. However, the shape and structure of the DNA could not be determined. In 1953 Watson & Crick Mempublicasik Hasil Temuania Birdercon X-ray analysis and data Lainnia bahwa benuk DNA adlah "double helix".
Gambar 4: The Molecular Structure of Watson and Crick DNA

In Temu , Watson and Crick show the structure of DNA as follows:

DNA structure

DNA barbentuk 'double helix' separate thong alongside barbelin
Exercise 5: Structure of Watson and Crick's DNA list
Nucleotides are broken down by DNA nucleotides
A nucleotide consists of 3 components
- Jolla Percarbon 5
native nitrogen

Gambar 6: Structure of the nucleotide molecule
Homemade Nitrogen
Ada 4 macan basa neto yang kisamut dalam kelompuk purine and pyrimidine. Wild nitrogen is usually disimbolkan den huruf besar dari kata da depanya.

Nitrogen before Kelumbak Purine, Tirderi Atas:

- Adnain (pbuh)
- Guanine (G)

Nitrogen Basa Calumpac Pyrimidine Terderi Atase:

- Citorine (S)
- Timing (T)
Gambar 7: composition 4 molecule Macomb Basa nitrogen
Wild Nitrogen in Pasang
Masing-Masing Benang Dari Pita DNA Dibentuk Oleh Huphangan 2 nucleotides Yang Di Kaitkan Atau Dihubungkan Dengan Ikatan Hydrogen

Ikatan is hydrogen bonded, nitrogen dependent, DNA is nitrogen base dependent.
Gambar 8: Nitrogen in Pasangan Bassa and Hydrogen in Iktan

A nitrogen base pair bonded to a hydrogen bond has the following bases:
Adenine (A) pairs with thymine (T) and is connected by two hydrogen bonds.

Cytosine (S) is only bound to guanine (G) and connected by 3 hydrogen bonds

Aturan Hocum Genetica

Aturan Hukum Genetica Meniatakan Bahwa Informaci Genetics Dxpressican Dalam Suatu Urutan Tarentu. suzonan urutan terebut justice berega beringer:
Gambar 9: DNA Information Services Computational Genetics
DNA replication

DNA has the unique ability to make salt for itself
Amabilidad in Merupakan 'Tenaga Pendorong' Dari Makhlook Hidup
The ability to make copies of yourself happens through the replication process
The complex prose equivalent is Mandana Prosa Young
Benang DNA Membuka Pilinanna Membentuk Dua Helaiyan Benang Yang Tersusun Atas Kumpulan Nucleotida
Putusnya pilinan benang DNA besinya putusnya ikatan hydrogen antara dua basa nitrogen oleh enzyme DNA polymerase.
DNA polymerase enzyme removes the DNA strand and DNA selasase is the same.
Prose Text Berlangsung Sepanjang Benang Pada Ujung 5 'K 3'
Pencetakan benang anakan pada benang ADN bekani dengan arah yang ke ke 3' (late inheritance)
Primer DNA Menampel Pada Segname Lagging Strand Oleh Enzyma Primus
The transcription continues terus di arah 5 'ke 3', then the okazaki hingga pekkana part completes.
Dua DNA part digbungkan oleh DNA ligase part
Gamber 10. The process of DNA replication

RNA transcription

Sicara Tedak Langong Menjunakan DNA Antifungal Salt Mushroom Salt
DNA Penduang Molekula Yang Sangat Pintura Dan Harus Dilindungi Dalam Inti
Kerja Jat Mingkobi Senderi Ontok Dumanida Ogopoja Dalam membrane protein
The double copy is called RNA or ribonucleic acid
RNA barbeda dengan dna dalam halpapa hal paint, yaitu - lebih kesil, - pita tungal, - tidak memiliki baza azote thmin, tapai memiliki yang akan berpaganan dengan adenine uracil.

Gambar 11: RNA Transcription Processes

RNA transcript

RNA Dehasilkan Melali transcription process RNA Yang Sama Dengan DNA replication
Kecil Dari DNA region 'Reset Membuca' Sehinga Nucleotida Terlihut Gelas
Nucleotides (Mngunakan Uracil) from Tok Pasangan Pasa Complimentaria
Process messenger RNA (mRNA) and synthetic protein stain components.


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