Munculanya Genus Baru (Speciaceae)
Factors affecting the creation of new species consist of 3 main factors.
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Player 1: Pendpat Tentang Evolution |
Percebaran Organime di Muka Bhumi Ini Sangt Meerata. Kadang-kadang antara satu man individual satu dan individual line yan blessing tdak saling barthemu karena adania pengalang terentu.
Alfred Russell Wallace Mengunpakkan Suatu Pola Menzenai Penyebaran Jev. The Adani barrier separates groups of organisms and prevents interhybridization, so if this happens continuously, such breeding will lead to isolation, and any organisms that are released will.
Penyebaran Terjadi Karena Asal Usul species, Migrassi species Tersebut Pada Masa Silam and Maadalnya Bada (Rintangan Atau Sawar) Yang Detamuinya. This obstacle can be sea, mountains, desert, climate and interactions with each other. Adanya bada tresutu mensegah teradainan dispersing jever de permucan bumi.
Isolasi ripuruduksi, barrier (hambatan) geographical dapat sedaradana permisahan dua popolsi (allopatric): Hal tersbut tarang karena adanyan penimbunan inluhan factor-factor lur (external) yantrinsik yantrinsikantor. This condition allows for reproductive isolation even when the two populations are in the same environment (sympatric).
The Macum-Macum mechanism isolates internal movement
~ mechanism of youth
~ A method to prevent the creation of hybrid species,
~ Young Mansega Mechanism: Kelangungsan Hybrida
1. Geographic isolation
Terzadinia Species Baru Disebabkan Karena Karena Dua Populasi Yang Berasal Dari Satu Species Yang Sama Terisoli Oleh Geographical causative factor (Bahr, Gunung) Sehinga Mengabat Terzadinia Interhybridisaceae Antradiduisaceae Antradidubilum Antradidusi. Hal ini Lebih is known under the word isolation.
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Figure 1. Subspecies Burung Hantu Bulu Tutul-Tutul Young Hidup de Locsi Geography Barbeda (Mexico and Belahan Lower Mexico) Menujukkan Bebarapadan Morphology and Genetics. |