Fish are aquatic vertebrates with fins as a means of locomotion. they are With " Bernaface". silent
Fishes are the largest group of vertebrates with more than 20,000 species , they are found in great diversity . in lakes , rivers , seas and estuaries .
Fish are divided into two groups _ Janice She defends Bones . Sharks and rays are cartilaginous fish because their skeletons are made of cartilage , which is as flexible as the tip of our ears and nose . MANY The skeleton of fish consists of hard bones and is called true bony fish .
external anatomy
You can define which are cartilaginous fish and which are bony fish without needing to look skeleton like that time? The character is very easy, meaning there are clear clues to the differences between the two when you look at the lines on the outside of his body. Let's try to distinguish cartilaginous and bony fish by looking at the two pictures below!
Figure Comparing the body of a bony fish to a cartilaginous fish
Can you really feel the difference between the two types of fish?
It was very easy to see the difference between the two. (1) shark mouth face down, fish mouth slit facing forward, (2) fish has gill cover, shark has gill slits, (3) fish pectoral fins front to back, shark pectoral fins facing down, (4) ) pelvis large fish have long anal fins, sharks have short pelvic and anal fins.
See the explanation below for more details!
Stairs: Most fish have scales . Unlike sharks , their scales are called dermal teeth , that is, a Small tooth-like structures are found in the skin. These indentations make the shark's skin smooth, although if you hold it, it looks rough like sandpaper. bony fish scales it is made of bones and looks like a bunch of shingles on the roof of a house .
Image: Shell shape of teeth in sharks
Last: Feathers act as a means of movement , balancing the movements of the body , and sometimes as an internal defense of the body . Bony fish have fins. pairs such as pectoral and pelvic fins and ka yan anal fins, caudal fins and unpaired dorsal fins . Some Janice fish lack all Janice fins and exhibit a large degree of Janice variability. The highly flexible fins of bony fish are supported by filamentous membranes and bones.
Gill: Oxygen can enter the fish's blood through the gills . Gills are comb-like structures along the left and right sides of the fish's head . In healthy fish, the color of the gills is bright red, because most of the gill surface is surrounded by small blood vessels. therefore, the process of air exchange from the blood to the gills or vice versa occurs very easily. In bony fishes, the gills are usually covered by a gill cover called an operculum, whereas in cartilaginous fishes there is no operculum, but 5-7 gill slits that allow air to enter the gill chambers.
Image: gill slits and shark operculum in true bony fishes
Eye: eye fish MANY Growing up with bicycles . Most sharks have pupils. can expand or contract, and has eyelids can be closed from the bottom up. eyes can bony fish have none of these features. Check out the shark eyes below, do they look like human eyes?
Image: shark eye with human-like iris and eyelid
Mouth: The mouth of the shark is located under the head. In bony fishes, the mouth area is more variable.
See, is there a difference between the mouth of a shark and the mouth of a bony fish?
Image: The difference between the mouth of a hard bony fish and a soft bony fish
form tube
You know, by looking carefully at the external structure of the fish's body, we can learn how fish "create life". Body shape, mouth position and size, tail shape and body color can further reveal the fish's peaceful lifestyle.
Image: fish body shape point
Finger shape: Finger-shaped or simple shape is the shape of the body of a fish with a tapered end of the head. Fish like barracuda or mackerel can swim very fast. They usually live in open water.
Image: Fusiform or streamlined body shape.
Flat side shape: A flat fish cannot swim fast. However, GREATNESS The bike has the ability to maneuver . Many of them , like ornamental angelfish, are found near coral reefs . Flat body shape allows them to move into crevices in the rock .
Image: Side view of the main part of the page
The fish is a flat-bodied fish , the upper surface of the body is formed by one side of the body. The reason is Oleg its shape is flat like a sheet of plywood, so the eyes of this fish also match the shape of the body, that is, both eyes are located on the same side of the body, that is, on the surface side.
Photo: many angelfish living on the edge of the rock.
Picture: a single fish with its eyes on one side of its body
Flat top-bottom shape : Fish that are flat like rays ( from top to bottom) are bottom-dwelling fish .
Eel shape: It has a body shape like a snake . Electric and moray fish are examples of well- formed fish .
Hand-type fish have a snake-like body shape. Electric eel and mullet are good examples of fish with this body shape.
Picture: the general shape of the eel on the left, and the moray on the right
Other forms : Many fish, such as halibut and boxfish, fall into neither category. They are slow swimmers with special protective equipment.
The shape of the fish tail varies, but it is generally grouped into 3 main shapes. Did you know that the shape of a fish's tail is an indicator of how fast the fish can swim ? Check out the explanation below!
Crescent shape: Fish with a crescent tail , such as swordfish , are fast swimmers and are constantly on the move .
Image: crescent shape
Black : Swallowtail fish , such as sea bass , are also fast swimmers , but they are not .
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