Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Guru LIPI tahun 2013
In 2013, the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) held the 21st Education Creativity Competition (LKIG).
Stick and lumpa sheets
SD Teacher/Cydracycles: Oumum (one lesson)
September 30, 2013: Registration of participants and cancellation of the exhibition.
October 1, 2013: Pamirs final.
October 2, 2013: Presentation of the finalists and presentation of awards to the winners
October 3, 2013: Members return.
The winner will receive a cup and a letter of appreciation from Lipi, as well as a cash prize.
Participants are teachers who teach in formal schools.
I have never won LKIG in the last two years.
Writing system: summary, introduction, methodology, content/discussion, conclusion and bibliography.
Use good and correct Indonesian written in HVS A4 format with Arial 11 font size, 1½ spacing.
Scientific papers must be original (not plagiarized/plagiarized) and are not currently eligible for the similar national level competition.
The maximum number of pages in a research paper is 25 pages (including sketches/drawings/photos).
Include principal's recommendation and biographical information (full name, place and date of birth, residential address and school/agency, telephone/mobile and email).
The format of the title, abstract, letters of recommendation and resume can be downloaded from the LKIG 2013 website http://kompetisi.lipi.go. ru /lkig21/ .
Participants register and upload materials through the website http://kompetisi.lipi.go.id/ . lkig21/ .
Scientific articles submitted in electronic form will be accepted by the commission no later than August 21, 2013.
Contest rules and information can be found on the 2013 LKIG website.
The finalists will be announced on September 18, 2013 on the LKIG 2013 website.
Kibutsan Sofa Yuriy Dabat Dabat Dijango Jute.
21st Committee LKIG 2013
Office of Science and Technology Cooperation and Correctional Institutions Lipi
Jidong Sasana and Vidya Sarono, Lieutenant 5
J. L. Gender Gato Soproto #10
Jakarta Prayer 12710
Phone (021) 5225711 extension 1276, 1273, 1274
Fax machine. (021) 5251834, 52920839
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