بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
With the intention of sharing for the sake of Allah, I hope that this grid activity will bring many benefits, especially for teachers and students.
This National Biology Exam Network is for high school students taking biology subjects in the 2018 National Biology Exam so that they can practice in the 2017-2018 academic year and prepare for SMA/MA National University.
This grid review is organized around the 2018 national exam grid compiled by grid reference societies and is in PowerPoint (PPT) format to facilitate learning and highlight concepts that are considered important.
The surgical structure of this grid consists of:
1. Experience of the United Nations Biological Network. Review of materials tested at UN 2018
2. Study of the biological material of the United Nations. A roundup of the web-friendly stuff.
3. Sample questions and discussion. Examples of cognitive level questions on the web are understanding and knowledge, application and explanation, followed by discussion and answer keys.
4. Questions and answer keys to assess the learning progress of students in the form of a knowledge test. The questions are presented as a series of questions from previous national exams, accompanied by answer keys.
5. UNO 2018 predictions: In the form of questions that are predicted according to the values of the national grid as UNO 2018 questions.
We hope this checkbox activity will be helpful in increasing the understanding of IPA Class XII students studying biology as an elective. There is no ivory that is not cracked, perfection belongs only to Allah azza wa jalla
1. Release method
2. Characteristics of living beings and their functions
3. Biodiversity
4. The fundamentals of the grouping of living beings
5. Life cycle of invertebrates and lower plants
6. Biogeochemical cycle
7. Structure, functions and chemical composition of cells.
8. Structure and function of animal tissues
9. The structure and functions of plant tissues.
10. Diseases of organ systems.
11. Cell reproduction
12. False deviations from Mendel's laws.
13. Mendel's Laws and Crosses.
14. Genealogical map
15. Mechanism of evolution
16. Evolutionary Tips
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