Pengantar Biotechnology

What is biotechnology? The advent of DNA technology. Agriculture and biotechnology.

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  • Biotechnology refers to an organism that uses biological systems to produce sentences.
  • Modern DNA technologies, DNA analysis and potential DNA.
  • Bentuk Um Dari DNA technology includes DNA analysis , polymerase reaction (PCR) , DNA cloning, and gel electrophoresis .
  • Biotechnological discoveries raise new practical and ethical issues that need to be addressed by clearly informing society.


Apa yang kamu pikirkan ketika mendenkan kata "Biotechnology". Like cloning a domba, rekayasa the genetics of an organism, atau gene therapy. There may be things that you see.
Gumber Sisa-Sisa Taxidermy Dari Dumba Hasil Cloning Dolly, National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh.
Sisa-sisa Bonka Dumba Dolly. Dolly Adala Mammals Hasil Pertam cloning. Artinya, Dia Adalah "Salinan" c. Domba is big the same Sekara genetics.
" Dumba Dolly, National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh " by Mike Pennington ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ). Image modified under CC BY-SA 2.0 license .
Jika hal itu yan kamu pikirkan, berartipemikiranmu sudah benar sakaali: domba doli merupakan kontoh product biotechnology. Lau bagimana met pemabatan bir, pemanbarbiacan tanaman and pembentucan antibiotic penicillin? The process and production is concise - some of them are thousands of years old - they can be used more in biotechnology.
Dalam tulisan ini, pertama-tama kita akan menelah definition of biotechnology, perserga bagimana biotechnology dapat sakjala vargan rolgansi organism (molecular system atau yangungkan dari organism) untuk products product yang bermaft. Then Kita Akan Tela for Bih Dekat Tetang Technology DNA, Technique and Menguruyan DNA. Technologies-DNS are well aware of modern biotechnologies.

What is biotechnology?

Biotechnology for the organization, organism and system of biological systems, manufactured product and specific process.
Definisii masih beit umum, sebab bioteknologi juga includes modern laboratory methods and traditional agricultural and culinary methods that have been used for centuries. Ada Tiga Konto Biotechnology and Amati Bagaiman Konto-Konto Ini Suezian Dengan Definition of Diatas.
  • Pembuan beer . Pada process peumatada bir, jamur uniselulerl (ragi) Gula added jelly solution, untuk domana prose digested melalui process yang mebutan fermentasi. The result of fermentation is the alcohol in the beer. D Sini, kamu dapat lihat bahawa ragi besutifikasi untuk membuat produk konsumsi manusiya.
  • Penicillin. Antibiotic Penicillium manufactured by Jamur Genis Serton . For explorers, you can use the cache line. 500 liters of "rain juice" per week superscript padding, 1 superscript end . The formulations have been optimized for industrial production using high yielding log mushrooms using optimal cultivation conditions to increase yields. squares . D Cini, Kita Mlihat Organism (mushroom) Dibucan Untuk Membuat Produk Untuk Dibucan Manusia - Dalam Hal Ini, Antibiotics Antuk Menbogati Infectious bacteria.
Gambar balok logam dengan window kaka, berisi sample gamur pengasil penicillin. The ban was given to Douglas MacLeod by Alexander Fleming.
  • J. Medicine. Therapy gene technique adala baru yang untuk mengabiyat megatikan genetic disorder yang yang dibuza ole jin jin yang yang non-yang. Terapi bekerja dengan sentu DNA gene yang "hilang" ke tubuh salt cell DNA gene. For example, in genetic cystic fibrosis, a person lacks the gene for the chloride channel produced in the lungs. In gene therapy clinical trials, a functional copy of a gene is inserted into a circular DNA molecule called a plasmid and delivered (as a spray) into the patient's lung tissue.

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